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 Consent: The Heart of Relationships and Communities


Featuring consent and intimacy expert Dr. Betty Martin, author of the book

The Art of Receiving and Giving: The Wheel of Consent


July 7th - 12th at Sahale Learning Center, Tahuya, WA

























Join us this July as we do what the Goodenough Community does so well: 

dive deeply into the skill-building that creates harmonious relationships.


  Come learn

with the support and encouragement of loving community

at our 55th Summer Gathering!



Healthy consent skills are at the heart of thriving relationships and communities.  To feel safe in relationships, we need to be able to let others know how much access to our presence, our thoughts and our bodies is OK with us.  And we need to be able to trust that once we’ve expressed ourselves, others will respect our choice and behave accordingly.










If you’ve found yourself in situations like these, you’re not alone.  Many of us learned early to go along with what seemed like ‘the thing to do’: whatever our parents, our peers or the doctor asked of us.  Few of us learned to check in with ourselves, to determine if what we were agreeing to was in full alignment with our personal values or true desires.  Worse, some of us may have known what we wanted, but the request was coming from someone too powerful to turn down.  If this has happened to you, you’ve likely experienced the confusion, frustration or out-and-out pain that can result from lack of authentic consent.



  Skillfully and respectfully giving and eliciting consent is an art that deepens both trust and intimate connection.


The Goodenough Summer Gatherings are a rich mix of learning, practice, and skill-building that happen within a container of friendship and good will. For over 55 years, we have developed and refined our method of offering these life-changing experiences to ourselves and the wider world. Expert teaching sessions are enlivened by an atmosphere of play and exploration. These lessons are further explored in small group sessions where participants can feel safe and respectfully held as they learn to manage their inner landscape of feelings in ways that promote greater understanding and well-being. Singing, drumming, dancing, splashing in the river, evenings by the fire and in the hot tub are social times were we get to put our new skills into practice, and offer - and receive - supportive feedback about how our new behaviors are landing. Once we've practiced in an atmosphere of loving community, we get to take our new understandings out into our daily lives!


Click the "JOIN US" button below to register with credit card or bank withdrawal.







If you prefer to pay using Venmo (@elizabethJarrett), please download and fill out the PDF Registration Form here,

and email it to us at


If you choose to pay by check, please fill out the PDF Registration Form here, print, and mail with check, payable to

The Goodenough Community, to Event Registrar Elizabeth Jarrett-Jefferson, P.O. Box 312 Tahuya WA 98388


We have a limited amount of financial support available.  If you wish to apply, you'll find further information and an application form here.



Your investment of $690 - $720 includes all lessons, lodging and meals

from Sunday dinner through Friday lunch.



I said ‘that’s fine’, but then I felt terrible.  It wasn’t what I really wanted to do.


I thought I said ‘no’, but he did it anyway.


I agreed to participate, but it turned out different than I expected and I didn’t know how to get out of it.

Our Summer Gathering '24 was a great success! We thank all who participated and hope to see each of you again next year!

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